Friday, April 19, 2013

Earth Day Month is Here!! Go Plant a Tree!!!

…or if you want, some flowers too!

This is Earth Month where we pay closer attention to our impact on the earth and I wanted to let you know of some programs you can get involved in. If you know of any others, please feel free to drop me a line.

Earth Day is April 22nd
Do at least one thing to make the world better for yourself and those who are going to live on after you.

Do something local that will have some impact globally.
Earth Day NYC has events planned look them up.
There is the free NYC Green Festival at the Javits Center. JetBlue is partnering with the NY Restoration project to host a One Thing That's Green tree planting event in Queens

There are events happening at the Queens Botanical Garden, Prospect Park, Jamaica Bay, Mc Larren Park, Union Square, Central Park, Grand Central Terminal all over and are free to the public. Go learn something new

You can plant a tree. NYC Parks department just gave away tons of trees to plant in your back yard if you have one.

If you don't have any land to call you own (or the bank's) then adopt a tree.

You see all those trees on your block in your neighbourhood? Yes the ones people let their dogs pee and poop on, those trees can be taken care of by you! Yes You!! no climbing or pruning though.

Just take care to water the tree, especially in the summer 20 gallons a week (all at one time please!)

The other things you have to do, are to do some weeding, mulching (you can get this from the NYC Parks Department.

Just call them and they will tell you where to go), building or installing a tree guard (you can get a grant to have these put in or you can build them yourself you "handy sandy", removing litter, putting up a “Curb Your Dog” sign (these you can get when you become a steward, preventing harmful waste being poured into the bed, and planting flowers in the tree bed.

NYC Parks Department gives away flower bulbs each year in the Autumn so look out for that coming up soon.

Now doesn't that sound like fun, plus! your block will look like a million bucks!!

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